Summer Vacation: Day three is just as busy as the last two!

Today we started the day off at home. We shared breakfast together and then we got cleaned up to face the day of activities ahead...

Once we were all presentable we hit the road! First stop was to our friend's house, The H's. I mentioned them a post or two back. They are currently in the process of moving three hours away from Spokane. Over the last eight years our families have gotten so close. It's hard to believe this season of our lives are coming to a close. That said, we are taking advantage of spending anytime possible together....even if that means on a day such as Father's Day. The kids played inside and out throughout the afternoon, while the adults took advantage of table space to play a board game. It was a good morning/afternoon spent with our family-by-choice.

After our visit there we headed over to our friends The K's. We have much history with The K's, but this was the first opportunity we had to share dinner with them at their home. We had a good meal (BBQ boneless ribs, salad, and veggie kabobs) and then got to visit for a while. It was so fun to see the nursery they are putting together for the little peanut they are expecting this fall. He is going to be filled with so much love from his mommy and daddy! All four of us enjoyed our visit with The K's and home it happens more and more now that the good weather looks like it might stick around!

By the time we got home we were pooped! We loved spending time with people who mean so much to us, but being gone ALL DAY for two days took it out of us. We look forward to the rest of summer and all the adventures it is going to bring!

Andrea - The Mommy

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