So here's the deal....this is not my first blog and/or website. In fact I've started several and most have found their way to a cyberspace graveyard. I get so busy and wrapped up in living that I find it hard to put in the time documenting it all. This might be evident in the fact that I haven't added to this site for over two months. That being said, here's an update!

The kids wrapped up their school year yesterday. It was a half day - quick, easy and fun! It's been a long year for our family, so the kids were more excited than sad. They left with smiles on their faces ready to jump into summer adventures.

Little man did great in school this year. He got along great with his classmates and learned a lot. He brought home a dozen or more "Character Counts!" awards and was recognized as a "Pillar of Character" which only about a dozen kids were recognized as each quarter. The only challenge that we had this school year was with handwriting. He's a 7 year old and a boy - I'm not stressing about it yet. However, we will work on it more this summer since he can't properly be tested for accelerated programs if he can't legibly write out answers.

Our Princess has basically the same report. This was a wonderful school year for her. She had such a positive experience and her teacher was a huge part of that. Princess's teacher had her hands full, but worked hard to provide each of her (50 - AM and PM) students the love and attention they needed and deserved. Little miss brought home Super Bee on several occasions and earned Mystery Walker almost weekly. She's going to miss Kindergarten, but is looking forward to 1st grade. She's most excited about being able to have lunch at school!

As for us, The Mommy and Daddy, we just wrapped up an insane season in our lives. First and foremost, Troy GRADUATED from ITT Technical Institute with an Associates in Visual Communications. Anyone have a Graphic Design job they are wanting to fill?? Not only did he graduate, but he did so as the valedictorian. The kids and I are so proud of him. As of yesterday, I am done with my school work until the fall. Yay! With that said, we are all out of school for the summer and ready to spend some much needed quality time together.

Since we are so excited about the adventures this summer has in store for us be assured there will be many more posts coming up!! Stay tuned!

Hope it's warm in your neck of the woods because it isn't here,
The Phifer Four


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